STLG has joined the UCLA Startup in a Box as a vetted partner
STLG is now part of the UCLA Technology Development Group's [...]
Breach of Contract and the Waiver of Consequential Damages
Should you waive consequential damages and how does that [...]
FTC’s Rule Banning Fake Online Reviews and Testimonials
As of October 22, 2024 FTC's final rule banning fake [...]
STLG Client Appreciation Billing Rate Plan
At STLG, our highly experienced attorneys deliver exceptional, value-added [...]
Information Disclosure Form
USPTO Joins EPO in Rejecting AI as Inventor
On April 22, 2020 the USPTO (US Patent and [...]
USPTO Response to COVID19
In the past few weeks, the USPTO has released [...]
Video Conferencing Dos and Don’ts: The Consent
Video conferencing has been on the rise in the [...]
The Contract is Breached, Now What?
Disputes are a natural part of human interaction. They [...]
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) A Quick Guide
The California Consumer Privacy Act (or the CCPA)) is [...]
Trust, Identity, Privacy, and Security for the Internet of Things
Last year, a friend asked me to co-author a [...]
Cybersecurity in Medical Devices
Cybersecurity continues to gain attention as advancements in smart [...]
No Bots: California Bot Disclosure and Accountability Act of 2018
Starting July 1, 2019, California will require clear and [...]
The European Patent Office Guidelines 2017 On Computer-Implemented Inventions (“CII”) Effective November 1 2017
Let’s start by what is meant by [...]
Marking Products
There are a number of reasons for marking your [...]
STLG Exemplary Estimates of Fees & Expenses for Patents and Trademarks
At STLG, our highly experienced attorneys deliver exceptional, value-added [...]
How to mitigate the cost in drafting patent applications
I'm often, rightfully, asked by inventors how to minimize [...]
$ Plan ahead for foreign filing a patent application $
So you have filed your U.S. patent application and followed [...]